400,000 Canadians Could Have Celiac Disease Without Knowing It
Financial Post
“Sonia Pereira saw every ‘ologist and took four years to be finally diagnosed with celiac disease. One doctor suggested it was all in her head. Sonia wants patients to self-advocate if they think gluten might be a problem for their health.”
TAGS: celiac disease, gluten intolerance, inflammatory disease, Canadian Celiac Association
‘This is not just about patient care’ | wellandtribune.ca
Welland Tribune
“… agreement with the University of Ottawa’s Heart Institute than simply tackling a backlog for heart surgery in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
TAGS: patient care, heart surgery, cardiac health, Eastern Health, University of Ottawa’s Heart Institute
Service dog ‘makes my life kind of back to normal,’ says veteran diagnosed with PTSD | CBC News
“University of Saskatchewan student researcher Alexandria Pavelich followed four Canadian veterans over a 16-month period while they were paired …”
TAGS: service dog, PTSD, mental health, University of Saskatchewan
Get Moving To Beat Heart Disease And Stroke At The 35th Annual Manulife Heart & Stroke …
Muskoka 411
“Previous articleCanada’s Stem Cell Network Makes Its Single Largest Investment In Regenerative Medicine Research.”
TAGS: stroke, heart disease, fund raising, Stem Cell Network, Heart and Stroke
With COVID-19, we’ve never been “all in this together”
Policy Options
“Embedding an equity lens into planning may not only save more lives but could also help to unite us when the next pandemic occurs.”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, healthcare