CAMH study confirms ongoing brain inflammation associated with long COVID
“Researchers using advanced brain imaging are first to find increase in protein marker of inflammation in illness affecting 200 million globally.”
TAGS: long COVID, mental health, brain health, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Biopharma company GSK grants $1 million to Halifax-based Canadian Center for Vaccinology (CCfV)
GSK Canada
“Grant recognizes CCfV’s national leadership and Nova Scotian contribution to Canada’s research capabilities, expected to attract top talent.”
TAGS: infectious diseases, vaccines, innovative research, GSK Canada
Researchers discover molecule in the mouth that could help eliminate pathogens
University of Toronto
“Researchers at the University Health Network and University of Toronto have discovered a new biotherapeutic molecule – produced by a strain of … alternative to conventional antibiotic treatment”
TAGS: antibiotics, infectious diseases, University Health Network, University of Toronto
Biomarkers for the Progression of Type 2 Diabetes Identified
UdeM Nouvelles
“Researcher Guy Rutter and his colleagues in Europe, Canada and the United States have discovered molecules in samples taken from 3,000 diabetic patients that could help personalize treatments.”
TAGS: diabetes, biomarkers, innovative research, Université de Montréal
Canada to become first country in the world to require health warnings on individual cigarettes
“The requirement for a health warning directly on every cigarette is a world precedent setting measure that will reach every person who smokes with every puff … Canadian Cancer Society”
TAGS: smoking, tobacco regulations, Canadian Cancer Society, Government of Canada