World-first clinical trial to help millions of people with penicillin allergies
McGill University Health Centre
“The results of this clinical trial, published today in JAMA Internal Medicine, pave the way for the adoption of a simple oral test called “direct oral penicillin challenge” as a safe and effective alternative to traditional skin testing…”
TAGS: antibiotics, clinical trial, McGill University Health Centre
Canadian Cancer Society releases new national strategy for improving cancer data collection
CTV News
“The Canadian Cancer Society has released a new strategy for collecting data on cancer in Canada, one that they hope will address serious gaps in …”
TAGS: cancer, health data, Canadian Cancer Society
Pfizer Canada and the Skin Spectrum Summit announce a new scholarship to improve dermatological care for racialized Canadians
Canada Newswire
“…Pfizer Canada is pleased to announce the new Canadian Skin of Colour & Diversity Scholarship program to improve dermatological care for underrepresented populations…”
TAGS: dermatology, scholarship, racialized Canadians, Indigenous, Pfizer Canada
Virtual rehabilitation program for seniors with frailty shows promise, according to McMaster-led research
McMaster University
“Virtually delivered rehabilitation for seniors living with frailty is a feasible way for delivering care, shows new research led by researchers from McMaster University…”
TAGS: frailty, aging, virtual care, McMaster University
New Western study looks into distorted smell due to long COVID
CTV News
“A new study out of Western University is shedding light on long-term post COVID-19 smell distortions. Researchers are hoping more people will come forward so they can investigate further on the possibly permanent disorder.”
TAGS: COVID-19, long COVID, Western University