Daily Media Digest June 25, 2021

‘True anxiety about going back to work’: Studies show Canadians feeling post-pandemic anxiety
CTV News London
“… the Mental Health Research Canada has also released a poll showing that 71 per cent of people are worried about catching COVID post-pandemic.”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, anxiety, mental health, public health, Western University

McMaster researchers working with biotech firm in hopes of creating oral COVID-19 vaccine strip
“Researchers at McMaster University have teamed up with a Burlington, Ont., biotechnology company in the hopes of creating an orally deliverable …”
TAGS: COVDI-19, vaccine, pandemic, innovative research, McMaster University

Feature: Improving training in Indigenous health is a journey not a check-box
Schulich Medicine & Dentistry
“In recent years there has been an expansion of cultural training programs for health care professionals. The aim of these programs is to ensure health care providers have knowledge in Indigenous history, residential schools and Indigenous people’s experiences in health.”
TAGS: Indigenous health, cultural training, healthcare, Western University

‘Is This Just New Mom Stress?’ Experts Say Canada Is Facing a Perinatal Mental Health Crisis
“In one study, 25 per cent of birthing parents had consulted a health … things like screening standards and allocate more research funding to this area.”
TAGS: mental health, women’s health, postpartum

Treatment With Hepcludex® (Bulevirtide) Was Shown to Achieve Significant Response in Chronic …
“Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced interim results from the Phase 2b and Phase 3 clinical trials evaluating the first-in-class entry …”
TAGS: medication, innovative research, hepatitis, Gilead Sciences

The Royal launches digital ‘front door’ for help for substance use
Ottawa Citizen
“The Royal has launched a virtual clinic aimed at meeting a growing … and expand its reach, the mental health centre said in a news release Thursday.”
TAGS: substance use, mental health, access to care, virtual care, The Royal