Pandemic underscores importance of better brain health – Toronto Star
Toronto Star
“’40 per cent of risk factors for dementia are modifiable,’ writes Baycrest psychologist Dr. Susan Vandermorris.”
TAGS: brain health, mental health, pandemic, COVID-19, Baycrest
New web resource helps Albertans manage COVID-19 symptoms at home | Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services
“Alberta Health Services (AHS) has launched a comprehensive web resource to help Albertans manage mild COVID-19 symptoms at home.”
TAGS: COVID-19, symptoms, pandemic, public health, Alberta Health Services
IWK top doctor says COVID-19 risk to kids less concerning than flu | CBC News
“Despite some hospitalizations due to COVID-19, the head of pediatrics at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax says he’s still far more concerned about …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, influenza, children and youth health, IWK Health Centre
Why you should get a 3rd shot even after you’ve had COVID-19 | CBC News
“Ralph Pantophlet, an associate professor in Simon Fraser University’s faculty of health sciences, says just as people who were infected prior to …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, vaccination, public health, Simon Fraser University
Canada can’t afford to leave research out of the innovation conversation
Hill Times
“To date, in the hopes of commercializing key biopharma products like vaccines, Canada has delivered significant dollars directly to companies. While this will certainly help bolster the industry—or at least elements of its operation—what’s further needed are investments in fundamental research in health and biomedicine.”
TAGS: innovative research, biopharma, vaccine, McMaster University
‘More about his life than his death:’ CHEO offers Canada’s first medical residency in pediatric …
“… Roger Neilson House and the University of Ottawa and accredited through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.”
TAGS: palliative care, children and youth health, residency, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, CHEO
Delayed cancer surgeries, screening can be devastating, Cancer Society says | Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa Citizen
“As a new round of cancer surgeries, screening tests and treatments are being postponed in Ontario due to the pandemic, the Canadian Cancer Society …”
TAGS: cancer, screening tests, pandemic, Canadian Cancer Society