Discovering the likely cause of manic symptoms in bipolar disorders
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“Researchers have found a link between the reduced activity of a mood-regulating neurotransmitter in the brain and bipolar mania.”
TAGS: bipolar disorder, mental health, neuropsychiatric conditions, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
New funding to address chemotherapy resistance in esophageal cancer
McGill University Health Centre
“A senior scientist in the Cancer Research Program at the Research institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) and a professor of …”
TAGS: esophageal cancer, funding, Research institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), Canadian Cancer Society
UNB researcher using AI to make life better for people with amputations
New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
“Every day, Dr. Jonathon Sensinger studies how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to make the daily lives of people with amputations easier.”
TAGS: artificial intelligence, prosthetics, New Brunswick Health Research Foundation, University of New Brunswick
Health costs climb, while Canadians sit still
Re$earch Money
“Sedentary behaviour in Canadians costs an estimated $2.2 billion per year in productivity losses and health care expenses, says a study released this January in the Canadian Journal of Public Health.”
TAGS: healthy living, public health policy development, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Canada’s first Oncology Nursing Research Centre of Excellence opens
University Health Network
“UHN’s oncology nurses are known for their clinical expertise, leadership in education, professional development and emotional depth in caring for patients and families affected by cancer.”
TAGS: oncology, chemotherapy, cancer research, University Health Network
New study reveals alarming trend of nicotine vaping among high school students
Western University
“More than a quarter of Canadian high school students report having vaped, and 12 per cent have exclusively smoked vapes containing nicotine.”
TAGS: e-cigarettes and vaping, addiction and substance use, Western University