Precision magnetics could be game-changer for therapy-resistant brain cancers
“New mechanical nanosurgery approach developed by SickKids and U of T researchers uses nanotechnology and precision magnetics to destroy tumour cells.”
TAGS: cancer, innovative research, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Queen’s University, Canadian Cancer Society
CABHI invests $4.55 million in latest cohort of agetech companies helping older adults
Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI)
“… powered by Baycrest, invested more than $4.55 million in funding to support early-stage innovations aimed at improving the quality of life for older adults, people living with dementia, and their caregivers.”
TAGS: dementia, aging, Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), Baycrest
Federal Minister says ‘people will die’ if drug treatment is only option
CTV News
“The minister, speaking at a federal budget funding announcement at Western University on Friday, said political attacks on harm reduction need to stop.”
TAGS: mental health and addiction, Canadian innovation, Western University
Complex languages might shape bilingual brains differently
“People who grow up learning Chinese and English show a split in a unique part of the brain called the VWFA.”
TAGS: neuroplasticity, brain health, York University
UPCOMING DEADLINE Research Canada’s Leadership in Advocacy Award | April 20, 2023 Research Canada “The Research Canada Leadership in Advocacy Award honours these champions in health research advocacy. Research Canada recognizes individual(s) and/or organization(s) who/which have made outstanding efforts in advocating for Canadian health research. The deadline for submission is April 20.” |