Wearable technology for respiratory disease monitoring
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“A near-infrared spectroscopy sensor could aid in tracking the vital signs of acute and recovering pneumonia and COVID-19 patients.”
TAGS: respiratory diseases, patient health, wearable technology, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
Salmonella solution: Researchers develop rapid test for food contamination
Brighter World – McMaster University
“McMaster researchers have developed an on-the-spot rapid test for salmonella that is easier to conduct than a home COVID test.”
TAGS: salmonella, rapid testing, infectious disease, McMaster University
GlycoNet and partners invest $1.7M in Canadian-led health research and bioinnovation
HRI Portal
“Five glycomics projects have been awarded funding to develop new tools, diagnostics and therapeutics to improve health for Canadians.”
TAGS: glycomics, Canadian research, GlycoNet, University of Alberta, McMaster University
Clinical RNA sequencing platform unites research and care for rare disease diagnostics in support of Precision Child Health
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
“A clinical RNA sequencing platform at SickKids, the first of its kind in Canada, offers insights into the diagnosis of complex genetic conditions and the future of precision diagnostics.”
TAGS: rare disease, precision diagnostics, pediatric health, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Researchers studying impact of COVID-19 restrictions on long-term care residents
Faculty of Health Sciences | Queen’s University
“Long-term care residents have generally faced higher COVID-infections and death rates, but new research is exploring the pandemic’s impact on their quality of life.”
TAGS: long-term care, aging, COVID-19, Queen’s University