We need a balanced research environment to foster a real ‘innovation economy’
The Hill Times
“Our organizations, AGE-WELL and the Canadian Frailty Network, have created Healthy Aging Canada as a new research collaboration to leverage the …”
TAGS: healthy aging, Canadian research, Canadian Frailty Network, Queen’s University, AGE-WELL, University Health Network
Trojan horse tactics: Researchers discover path into drug-resistant bacteria that could lead to new ways to treat infections
Brighter World – McMaster University
“Research out of Lori Burrows’ lab has identified a new approach that uses the nature of bacterial nutrient transporters to help antibiotics more effectively reach their targets.”
TAGS: infectious disease, drug-resistance, pneumonia, McMaster University
Grant to fund research into improving care for pediatric diabetes
“Although there have been advances in diabetes care since insulin was discovered 100 years ago, youth with diabetes continue to have a higher risk of other health problems, a lower quality of life, and a shorter life span.”
TAGS: diabetes, pediatric health, University of Windsor, JDRF Canada
COVID-19 vaccines may help reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
“Antibiotics were commonly prescribed to older outpatients with COVID-19 in Ontario during the first two years of the pandemic, even though antibiotics do not work against the virus.”
TAGS: antibiotic prescription, COVID-19, vaccine, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
N.S. Health launches program to speed up access to mental health care
“An early intervention program, which launched on April 25, aims to provide patients with assessments from psychiatrists within a matter of weeks.”
TAGS: mental health, psychiatric disorders, Nova Scotia Health, Dalhousie University
Dr. Charles Scriver was a pioneer of medical genetics
The Globe and Mail
“The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame called him ‘the father of modern genetics in Quebec.’ He died on April 7 at the age of 93.”
TAGS: Human Genome Project, innovative research, Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, McGill University