Routine screening may help identify patients with cancer at high-risk for self-injury, new study finds
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
“Routine screening with patient-reported outcomes may be used to identify patients with cancer who are at highest risk of self-injury, a new study published today in JAMA Oncology has found.”
TAGS: cancer, innovative research, self-injury, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Neighbourhood Pharmacies Calls on Provinces to Implement a COVID Test-to-Treat …
“About the Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada Neighbourhood Pharmacies is a national, not-for-profit trade association that delivers …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, testing, public health, Neighbourhood Pharmacies Association of Canada
Children play a key role in COVID transmission, according to new research | Canada.Com
“Researchers from the CHEO Research Institute, the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and the University of Ottawa, found that, while children …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, transmission, children and youth health, CHEO RI, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Hard to change minds when it comes to vaccine willingness: Largest survey of COVID-19 …
McGill University Health Centre
“The new study from McGill and McMaster Universities, … Government of Canada through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Canada …”
TAGS: vaccine, pandemic, public health, McMaster University, RI-MUHC
Pandemic restrictions linked to rise in depression among seniors: study – CTV News Vancouver
CTV News Vancouver
“A new study out of Simon Fraser University is providing insight into the degree to which seniors suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
TAGS: mental health, depression, aging population, Simon Fraser University
New clinical approaches, research and funding needed to treat early traumas driving mental illness
Re$earch Money
“Mental illness costs Canadians more than $50 billion per year in medical costs and loss of productivity, with over 500,000 people missing work every week because of mental health concerns.”
TAGS: mental health, trauma, clinical approach