Energy-burning brown fat less active in boys with obesity – Brighter World
Brighter World – McMaster University
“A study at McMaster University has found that brown adipose tissue (BAT) is less active in boys with obesity compared to boys with a normal body …”
TAGS: obesity, physical activity, children and youth health, McMaster University
Shift toward more unstructured physical activities could be pandemic legacy, researchers find – CBC
“Curious about what the cancelling of swimming lessons, dance classes and team sports did to family activity levels, researchers at Western …”
TAGS: physical activity, pandemic, COVID-19, children and youth health, Western University
Canada Must Invest in Research to Promote Brain Health
Health Insight
“Disorders that affect the brain and nerves are the leading cause of disability and the second cause of death worldwide. There’s an urgent need to develop innovative treatments and cures for hundreds of brain diseases and injuries that affect millions of Canadians.”
TAGS: brain health, disability, mental health, The Canadian Association for Neuroscience
The Canadian Nurses Foundation Indigenous Dementia Research Student Award
HRI Portal
“In partnership with the Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF), the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) is offering a Student Award to support the research activities of a nurse, enrolled full time in a Master’s or PhD program, with a specific focus on Indigenous dementia related research within the Quality of Life theme in the CCNA. This award is intended to support and complement student success in their academic program and promote connection to the CCNA.”
TAGS: student award, innovative research, nursing, Canadian Nurses Foundation
Statement from Minister of Health on the Coming-into-Force of the Regulations Amending the Patented Medicines Regulations
“The Government of Canada is committed to improving access to quality medicines for Canadians. Today, our government announced that it will proceed with Amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations to provide the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) with new tools to protect Canadians from excessive prices for patented medicines.”
TAGS: Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB), access to care, Health Canada
Aggressive behaviour and violence in children and adolescents with FASD: A synthesizing review
Science Direct
“Interpretation and response to behaviour is predicated on understanding. However, our present understanding of aggressive behaviour, especially for complex and vulnerable populations is limited.”
TAGS: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, children and youth health
U of T research linking music to brain function could lead to promising therapies: CNN
University of Toronto
“Senior author Michael Thaut, director of U of T’s Music and Health Science Research Collaboratory and a professor in the Faculty of Music and …”
TAGS: therapies, mental health, brain functioning, aging population