From the Lab to the Gym: Translating Scientific Discoveries About Exercise and Cognition into Real-World Applications
Banting Research Foundation
“The research used a novel and complex type of statistical analysis called Mendelian randomization, which uses genetic variations to sort people based on their likelihood of being physically active.”
TAGS: brain health, physical activity, Banting Research Foundation, University of Ottawa
The Canadian Cancer Society commends the Government of Quebec for banning flavours in e-cigarettes and for other regulatory measures governing vaping
“… better regulation of vaping products in Quebec, notably by banning flavours in e-cigarettes, setting a maximum nicotine concentration and cartridge sizes, and by regulating the form and packaging of e-cigarettes.”
TAGS: vaping, nicotine addiction, cancer, Canadian Cancer Society
WE-SPARK to host Cheers to Hope fundraiser
Windsor Star
“Since the launch of WE-SPARK in 2020, the institute has awarded 67 grants totalling over $1.1 million to researchers across diverse disciplines and areas of expertise.”
TAGS: grants, WE-SPARK Health Institute, University of Windsor
Ask an expert: Can brushing and flossing prevent oral cancer?
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“Our oral pathology expert explains the importance of screening to prevent the development of oral diseases and shares recommendations on how to improve oral health.”
TAGS: oral cancer, dental hygiene, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
Crohn’s And Colitis Canada’s MyGut App Receives Funding from TD Bank Group
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
“Launched in 2019, the app allows those with Crohn’s and colitis to identify trends and actions to better manage these diseases. Promoting and increasing the number of users is another goal.”
TAGS: Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, app, funding, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
Sociologist says pandemic may have made Canadian youth less empathetic, meaner
CTV News
“… an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario said during a news conference with the Ontario Medical Association discussing the …”
TAGS: mental health, COVID-19 pandemic, Western University