Daily Media Digest August 13, 2018

The Globe and Mail
“The MRT helps people proactively address the cumulative stress of their jobs during the overdose crisis,” the Provincial Health Services Authority said …”
TAGS: opioid crisis, Provincial Health Services Authority, support workers


Diabetes Canada
“Health coaching is an evidence-based strategy that can help health care providers manage the chronic conditions of their patients.”
TAGS: health coaching, diabetes, health care providers


The Globe and Mail
“Besides high school students like herself, the choir gathered together … on Aging and Lifelong Health, is the lead researcher of the Voices in Motion …”
TAGS: Dementia, singing helps depression, Alzheimer’s, Reseacher


“Vancouver Coastal Health is warning people and their pets that entering the waters off English Bay, Jericho, and Sunset Beaches could put their …”
TAGS: E coli, water, Vancouver


EurekAlert (press release)
“The study was conducted by researchers from University of Toronto; Women’s College Research Institute; ICES; St. Michael’s Hospital and Centre for …”
TAGS: women’s health, disabilities, pregnancy, Women’s College Research Institute


Agriculture News
“… TypeZero Technologies Inc., Medtronic, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Inc., Insulet Corporation, Inc., Tandem Diabetes care, … “
TAGS: Artificial Pancreas Device, JDRF, Medtronic, report


Ottawa Citizen
“Back in 2011, public health agencies had a problem: a new type of bacterial infection was breaking out across Canada’s North, and there was no vaccine for it.”
TAGS: Hemophilus influenzae type A, vaccine


Toronto Star
“HALIFAX—A Dalhousie University student’s passion for communicating science in terms everyone can understand is going global”
TAGS: science, Dalhousie researcher, blog


Psychology Today (blog)
“Much of the research on digital health takes as a given that the apps have vast, untapped potential needing only cannier marketing and programming …”
TAGS: digital health technology, mental health apps


Montreal Gazette
“If it’s successful — and the capsules are approved by Health Canada’s Office of Controlled Substances — cannabis could be sold in pharmacies and …”
TAGS: MS, multiple sclerosis, medical marijuana, cannabis


Ottawa Business Journal
“Though Evidence Partners began officially in 2009, its roots are back at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute in 2001. It was then that Ottawa tech …”
TAGS: medical research, Evidence Partners software, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


CTV News
“Insulin pumps deliver insulin to people with diabetes through a small tube placed under the skin over a 24 hour period. The process helps to keep …”
TAGS: McGill University Centre (RI-MUHC), blood sugar, phone app