Daily Media Digest August 18, 2023

Some breast cancer patients may not need radiation, new Canadian research suggests
“Older women with early, low-risk breast cancer may not need to receive radiation treatment, according to a new research finding that experts say …”
TAGS: breast cancer, radiation treatment, McMaster University, Sunnybrook Research Institute

Decoding how molecules “talk” to each other to develop new nanotechnologies
UdeMNouvelles – Université de Montréal
“… the breakthrough opens new doors for the development of nanotechnologies with applications ranging from biosensing, drug delivery and molecular imaging.”
TAGS: drug delivery, nanotechnology, Université de Montréal

Wearable brain scanner is helping researchers unravel the mysteries of the developing brain
Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
“In an ongoing study, SickKids scientists are using exciting technology to gather data on early brain development and inform new research on autism spectrum disorder.”
TAGS: pediatric health, medtech, autism spectrum disorder, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)

Identification of a previously unknown mechanism controlling the interaction between astrocytes and blood vessels in the brain
Canadian Association for Neuroscience
“A new publication from Dr. Baptiste Lacoste’s laboratory at University of Ottawa identifies a previously unknown mechanism controlling the interaction between astrocytes and blood vessels in the brain.”
TAGS: brain health, innovative research, University of Ottawa, Canadian Association for Neuroscience

Can physical activity boost our resilience to rising temperatures?
The Conversation
“Climate change, a high prevalence of chronic diseases and alarming levels of physical inactivity are three of the central challenges we face in the 21st century.”
TAGS: physical activity, cardiovascular health, Université de Montréal