Predicting preeclampsia for safer pregnancies
“Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder affecting 2 to 10% of pregnancies worldwide … In a recent study, a team led by Dr. Stella Daskalopoulou, a scientist in the Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan Program of the RI-MUHC aimed to …”
TAGS: pregnancy, women’s health, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)
Health Canada approves Pfizer gene therapy for treatment of hemophilia
CBC News
“Pfizer said on Wednesday that Canada’s health regulator approved its gene therapy for the treatment of a rare inherited bleeding disorder called hemophilia B ahead of a U.S. decision.”
TAGS: hemophilia, Health Canada, gene therapy, rare disorder, Pfizer
These B.C. neuroscientists hope to help people with mental health challenges – using patients’ own brainwaves
CBC News
“A growing number of psychiatrists and psychologists in B.C. say they’re successfully treating patients by harnessing the power of patients’ own brain waves. Neurofeedback treatment has been studied for several decades …”
TAGS: mental health, neurofeedback treatment, Simon Fraser University
A new Azrieli Foundation fellowship will help transform the way we treat patients with complex brain disorders
UofT News
“People living with complex brain disorders – defined by their combined impact on how a patient thinks, feels and behaves – typically require coordinated care from multiple medical specialists.”
TAGS: brain disorders, fellowship, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University Health Network
Parenting with ADHD: 7 practical tips for success
The Conversation
“An estimated eight per cent of children worldwide have ADHD, while only three per cent of adults meet criteria for ADHD. One reason for this difference may be that symptoms of ADHD become milder as individuals age, especially hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms.”
TAGS: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, neurodiversity, parenting, University of Calgary