IRCM Scientists Unveil Mechanism Involved in Parkinson’s Disease
Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM)
“… at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and his team, recently uncovered a new mechanism that might play an important role in the development of pathologies called synucleinopathies …”
TAGS: Parkinson’s disease, dementia, Canadian research, Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM)
Removing antimicrobial resistance from the WHO’s ‘pandemic treaty’ will leave humanity extremely vulnerable to future pandemics
The Conversation
“Antimicrobial resistance is now a leading cause of death worldwide due to drug-resistant infections, including drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis, pneumonia and Staph infections like the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus shown here.”
TAGS: antimicrobial resistance, pandemic, bacterial diseases, York University
New testing method offers better diagnosis and treatment for the most severe form of male infertility
University of Alberta
“Health And Wellness, Research … Researchers have identified two proteins found only in viable sperm, opening the door to a non-invasive testing …”
TAGS: diagnostic testing, fertility, Canadian research, University of Alberta
Researchers worried as antipsychotic drug use increased in LTC homes
CTV News
“The study, published in Health Services Insights, examined data from yearly Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reports to assess how …”
TAGS: antipsychotic drugs, long-term care, mental health, University of Waterloo
Simple hysterectomy a safe option for women with early-stage, low-risk cervical cancer
UBC Faculty of Medicine – The University of British Columbia
“The study was directly funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and in part by the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS).”
TAGS: cervical cancer, Canadian Cancer Society, University of British Columbia
Preparing for the next pandemic
HRI Portal
“Queen’s University researchers explore lessons learned from COVID-19 and what we need to better prepare for future public health emergencies …”
TAGS: COVID-19 pandemic, antimicrobial resistance, Queen’s University