The availability of publicly funded adult vaccinations across the country is patchy and inequitable
National Post
“While equal access to vaccines for children across Canada has made great strides recently, there remain great disparities in the immunization of adult Canadians.”
TAGS: vaccination, equitable health care, public health, GSK Canada
VIDO scientists receive leadership awards for excellence in vaccine research
“Drs. Darryl Falzarano (PhD) and Alyson Kelvin (PhD) received CIHR Leadership Awards for Excellence in Vaccine Research for Infectious Diseases of Epidemic Potential.”
TAGS: vaccine research, infectious diseases, pandemic preparedness, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)
Study weighs merits of post-op app for safer healing at home
Alberta Health Services
“Because Hamilton was taking part in a research study testing the safety and effectiveness of a smartphone app designed to aid surgical recovery, she was able to send messages and photos to her care team …”
TAGS: recovery and rehabilitation, post-operative care, Alberta Health Services
New data reveals that 87% of people living in Canada want universal mental health care
“A recent survey conducted for the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) found that almost nine-in-ten agree that people living in Canada should have access to universal mental health care.”
TAGS: mental health, universal mental health care, Canadian health care
New Maryland ‘wind phone’ helps people grieve lost loved ones
“Anything that can normalize grief and give people a place to grieve and make it public and visible and allow people to be comfortable with it, I think it’s wonderful …”
TAGS: community health, aging, New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
Saying goodbye to CMAJ News
“As we close CMAJ News, here’s a look at the stories and issues that mattered most to us in recent years… Diversity in medicine… Spotlight on federal policy.”
TAGS: COVID-19, gender equity, women’s health, Canadian Medical Association