Computational tool to simplify process of drug discovery
University of Windsor
“Drug discovery research can get complicated quickly and John Trant, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, wants to simplify the process.”
TAGS: drug discovery, computer modelling, innovative research, University of Windsor
Clinical trials network receives $3.5M for national expansion to test, scale up and fast-track new therapies for stroke recovery
HRI Portal
“Research team to expand to Kelowna, Windsor, Kingston, Quebec City and Charlottetown, launch multi-site clinical trials, test new medications and technologies, and transform treatment for leading cause of disability.”
TAGS: stroke recovery, disability, CanStroke Recovery Trials, University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services
The foundations of human knowledge and experience are right here at home
The Hill Times
“There will never be a shortage of pandemic-like problems to solve, but Canada is getting a chance to meet and overcome those challenges using our own talent and resources, writes Karen Mossman, vice president of research at McMaster University.”
TAGS: Canadian research, pandemic preparedness, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), McMaster University, Université de Montréal
U.S. call to screen for breast cancer at 40 reignites debate in Canada
The Globe and Mail
“Debates over Canadian mammography guidelines have raged for years. The fights often pit breast-cancer advocates and medical specialists who favour earlier …”
TAGS: mammography, breast cancer, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
Perspectives on healing and repairing moral injury – Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
“The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CMIVHR)’s Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health just launched a special edition on Perspectives on Healing and Repairing Moral Injury…”
TAGS: veteran health, mental health, Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CMIVHR)
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Two new $15K #studentships related to workplace mental health | Deadline May 15, 2023 Mental Health Research Canada “Workplaces are showing an increased awareness of mental health and continue to investigate how they can combat these challenges. As a result, MHRC and partners have created two funding opportunities for Canadian college and university students to address this critical area in mental health research.” |