Canada’s COVID-19 infections among adults tripled in early 2022 due to Omicron: study | The Star
Toronto Star
“Patrick Brown, a lead author of the Ab-C study and biostatistician at the Centre for Global Health Research at St. Michael’s Hospital, …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, Omicron variant, Lunenfeld-Tannenbaum RI
Ask an expert: How harmful is screen time to my eyes?
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“… research expert speaks to the eye-straining effects of screen time and the simple things you can do to revive your tired peepers.”
TAGS: screen time, eye-straining, eyes, Vancouver Coastal Health RI
Lawson study to examine use of AI in real-time bedside lung diagnostics – London | Globalnews.ca
Global News
“Researchers at Lawson Health Research Institute in London, Ont., are hoping a new study will shed light on the feasibility of using artificial …”
TAGS: artificial intelligence, lung diagnositcs, innovative research, Lawson Health Research Institute
Mindful eating brings happiness and satisfaction – Hamilton Health Sciences
Hamilton Health Sciences
“Hamilton Health Sciences | @hamhealth – May 17. “It is essential to be able to provide safe and professional treatment to meet the medical and …”
TAGS: mental health, mindful eating, Hamilton Health Sciences
University of Sask. study finds no mercury damage from high-fish diet – CTV News Saskatoon
CTV News Saskatoon
“… professor and Canada Research Chair in X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the University of Saskatchewan. He says clarity on the consequences of …”
TAGS: mercury damage, diet, University of Saskatchewan
Canada aims to get a slice of the growing global market for cell and gene therapies
St. Catharines Standard
“Today, Laflamme is a senior scientist at University Health Network’s McEwen Stem Cell Institute in Toronto, and his work with heart cells has put …”
TAGS: stem cell, gene therapy, innovative research, Stem Cell Network, University Health Network
New study shows significant gains from computer-based depression treatment – Western News
Western News – Western University
““We did not expect that this particular patient population would respond as well as they did.” The randomized clinical trial included adult primary …”
TAGS: depression, mental health, clinical trial, Western University