Carbohydrate research in animal health supports Canadian economy
“Segura understands the push for Canada to reach greater autonomy in terms of its capacity to produce local food—and her research can help.”
TAGS: glycomics, infectious Diseases, GlycoNet, University of Montreal
Serenity DTx Inc. has developed a digital therapeutic platform to deliver relief to seniors suffering from dementia
HRI Portal
“The Serenity DTx solution is non invasive, non-pharmacological, costs effective and enjoyable. The platform combines immersive virtual reality visuals, binaural beat audio and meditative narration to treat seniors with dementia.”
TAGS: senior healthcare, virtual reality, dementia, medtech, Serenity DTx
Introducing a blood conservation coordinator – Hamilton Health Sciences
Hamilton Health Sciences
“Christa Chernesky is on a mission to tell people about her role as Hamilton Health Sciences blood conservation coordinator.”
TAGS: blood transfusions, surgery, anemia, Hamilton Health Sciences
New study reveals high rates of iron deficiency in women during late-stage pregnancy
UBC News – The University of British Columbia
“Pregnant women may need to take more supplemental iron than current Health Canada guidelines recommend, after two UBC researchers found high rates …”
TAGS: iron deficiency, pregnancy, Health Canada, University of British Columbia
Study focuses on improving support for older adults who experience homelessness
News Medical
“… in three major Canadian cities is the focus of an ongoing study being led by Simon Fraser University adjunct professor Sarah Canham.”
TAGS: health policy, aging population, Simon Fraser University