Daily Media Digest September 18, 2023

York U prof gets $1M+ for novel research on role of mitochondria in muscle decline
“Aging is inevitable and with it comes a decline in muscle mass, which – for the half of Canadians who don’t get enough exercise – compounds the problem …”
KEYWORDS: aging, funding, Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), York University

Dr. Carlos Rodrigo Camara-Lemarroy: Shortening the timeline for accessible, translatable ALS treatments
ALS Canada
“Dr. Carlos Rodrigo Camara-Lemarroy is an early-career researcher and clinical neurologist based in Canada at the University of Calgary …”
KEYWORDS: neurodegenerative diseases, innovative research, ALS Canada, Memorial University, University of Calgary

Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada Releases Landmark Findings on the Value of Specialty Pharmacy Services
“The Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada (Neighbourhood Pharmacies) has released key findings from its groundbreaking report, …”
KEYWORDS: patient experience, pharmacy, Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada

Researchers to deploy AI to help predict – and prevent – diabetes
University of Toronto
“Jay Shaw, a scientist at Women’s College Research Institute and an assistant professor in the department of physical therapy in U of T’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine …”
KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, predict diabetes, Women’s College Research Institute, University of Toronto

What is the carbon footprint of a hospital bed?
Waterloo News
“Researchers from the University of Waterloo completed the first-ever assessment of a Canadian hospital to reveal its total environmental footprint and specific carbon emission …”
KEYWORDS: environment, Canadian research, University of Waterloo

Kingston Health Sciences Centre expands treatment options for eating disorders
YGK News
“With the $1 million in base funding announced from Ontario Health in 2022, Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) has expanded their treatment …”
KEYWORDS: mental health, eating disorders, Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC)