Daily Media Digest August 8, 2023

Breast cancer screening before age 50 linked with better survival
The Ottawa Hospital
“Our findings are timely, considering the recent draft recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force that breast cancer screening begin at age 40 …”
TAGS: breast cancer, mammograms, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa

Making a mark on depression – Approximately 1/3 of cases of major depressive disorder are untreatable
University Health Network
“A recent study from UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute revealed specific changes to brain function that occur in individuals treated for major depressive disorder.”
TAGS: major depressive disorder, medication, therapy, University Health Network

New method helps to determine what medications breastfeeding mothers can take
University of Waterloo
“Waterloo Pharmacy researchers address significant gap in maternal medication research …”
TAGS: breastfeeding, health research, pharmacy, University of Waterloo

Autism Alliance of Canada and Kids Brain Health Network partner on a global discussion on national autism strategies, bringing to the forefront the lived experiences of Autistic persons
Kids Brain Health Network
“Autism is a complex developmental condition that shapes the experiences of millions of people worldwide. While it can present challenges in communication, social interaction and behavior …”
TAGS: autism, pediatric health, Kids Brain Health Network, Autism Alliance of Canada

A new COVID-19 variant has emerged. Here’s what we know about EG.5 so far
CTV News
“Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease specialist at University Health Network in Toronto, said he expects cases of EG.5 to pop up in Canada soon …”
TAGS: COVID-19, University Health Network, World Health Organization (WHO)

How often-discarded blood samples could track Canadians’ health
The Globe and Mail
“Waste blood is already being used in several Canadian research projects arising from the pandemic, including one that is testing blood gathered in …”
TAGS: Canadian research, COVID-19 Immunity Task Force, McGill University, Canadian Blood Services