Daily Media Digest December 8, 2023

U of A, Cornell researchers team up on technology to hide transplanted islet cells from the immune system
University of Alberta
“Experimental technique could one day allow transplants of insulin-producing cells for people with diabetes without the need for harmful anti-rejection drugs.”
KEYWORDS: diabetes, regenerative medicine, transplant, University of Alberta, Cornell University

ChatGPT and rehab: a mystery that requires further investigation
Université de Montréal
“Now that ChatGPT can ‘see’ and ‘hear,’ could it be useful for people with mobility, sensory or cognitive disabilities?”
KEYWORDS: artificial intelligence, disability, Université de Montréal

Gambling’s dopamine pathway to addiction
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“The investigative study, led by Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute researcher Dr. Catharine Winstanley, is exploring the role of dopamine in gambling. Combining …”
KEYWORDS: mental health and addiction, Canadian research, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, University of British Columbia

First Inaugural Breakthrough Challenging a Success – See List of Winners
Women’s College Hospital (WCH)
“… inaugural Breakthrough Challenge, where three teams pitched their research, education and quality improvement ideas to panelists and donors in a bid to win funding for their projects.”
KEYWORDS: funding, women’s health, Women’s College Hospital (WCH), Women’s College Hospital Foundation (WCHF)

New math approach provides insight into memory formation
Western News – Western University
“Developing a new approach to study this phenomenon, Western University neuroscientists are now able to analyze the timing of neuronal spikes.”
KEYWORDS: brain health, neurodegenerative diseases, Western University