Daily Media Digest February 21, 2018

CTV News
“Heavy drinking may be associated with a higher risk for developing dementia, particularly early-onset dementia, according to a new study. Researchers from a number of organizations, including The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, studied the association between alcohol use …”
TAGS: alcohol abuse, Dementia


CTV News
“Henderson said he isn’t aware of any other health authorities in Canada that want all facilities to offer the procedure. In its policy, neighbouring authority Vancouver Coastal Health says it acknowledges “the conscience rights of colleagues who do not wish to participate in assessment for or provision of …”
TAGS: hospice, assisted death


“She was immediately transferred to the IWK Health Centre in Halifax where a team of specialists was able to give her a diagnosis. Matheson had aplastic anemia — a rare disease that causes deficiency in all three blood cell types. Doctors told Matheson that her best chance at survival was a bone …”
TAGS: aplastic anemia, surgery


BW Businessworld
“Invest in research at varsities to support innovation: Canada Mumbai, Feb 20 (PTI) Canadian Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan today advocated increasing investment in … Sajjan, who is accompanying Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his India visit, was speaking at a function here.”
TAGS: Research, Innovation, Investment


Allergic Living
“Hello Allergic Living readers! It is with great honour that I take on the leadership of Food Allergy Canada, following 14 years of dedicated efforts from my predecessor Laurie Harada. My motivation to work on behalf of the over 2.6 million Canadians living with food allergies is driven by both my own family …”
TAGS: allergies, Allergy Canada, Research


The Globe and Mail
“Such an initiative would strengthen the WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme and ensure a transparent, collaborative and evidence-based response to global health events. A G7 initiative could support scientific capacity and research in lower-income countries, as well as stronger and equitable …”
TAGS: Global health, Canada


Business Wire (press release)
“Tandem submits application to Health Canada to market t:slim X2 Insulin Pump. … Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. (www.tandemdiabetes.com) is a medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with diabetes through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience.”
TAGS: diabetes, medical devices


The Globe and Mail
“The results are surprising some seasoned researchers who’ve spent years mapping out mental-health disorders in this realm. “The differences between the groups, I think, were unexpected,” said Nicholas Carleton, who led a team of academics in the study published this month in Canadian Psychology, …”
TAGS: Paramedics in Canada, suicidal tendencies


“Dr. Michael Verbora spent six years in medical school, but in that time, only 30 minutes were devoted to learning about cannabis. … After finishing his training at the University of Toronto in 2013, Verbora learned about the Canabo Medical Corp., a chain of clinics that prescribe cannabis to patients …”
TAGS: cannabis, medical marijuana


Canada NewsWire (press release)
“VIENNA, Feb. 20, 2018 /CNW/ – Digital therapeutics leader Wellthy Therapeutics shared interim results of an ongoing real-world pilot to evaluate the effectiveness of the Wellthy Diabetes Smartphone App, becoming the first company in South Asia to do so. The results were shared via an oral …”
TAGS: Wellthy Therapeutics, diabetes, Type 2 diabetes