The Carbohydrate Connection: Finding a Way to Target Alzheimer’s
“GlycoNet Investigator Dr. Matthew Macauley is uncovering how carbohydrates influence immune cells in the brain and their impact on Alzheimer’s disease …”
KEYWORDS: Alzheimer’s disease, glycomics, neurodegenerative diseases, GlycoNet
Machine learning used to predict future health as Canadians age
University of Alberta
“Data-crunching programs can detect patterns to inform your medical care as you get older … to predict the future mental and physical health of aging Canadians.”
KEYWORDS: aging, machine learning, mental health, University of Alberta
UHN research suggests use of non-invasive breathing device to alleviate obstructive and central sleep apnea improves quality of life
University Health Network
“A research team led by scientists at UHN has found that in patients with heart failure, treatment of co-existing obstructive or central sleep apnea with a non-invasive breathing …”
KEYWORDS: cardiovascular health, sleep, University Health Network
McMaster researchers discover molecular ‘barcode’ used by bacteria to secrete toxins
McMaster University
“Researchers at McMaster University have discovered a molecular “barcode” system used by disease-causing bacteria to distinguish between beneficial and toxic molecules.”
KEYWORDS: infectious disease, McMaster University
Biomedicine innovator earns awards, leadership role
York University
“York University Professor Yong Lian has earned recognition for his work in biomedicine, advancing circuits and systems to aid the development of in-home devices for disease prevention and detection.”
KEYWORDS: award, cardiovascular health, medtech, York University