SickKids implants the first Responsive Neurostimulation Device in Canada to treat drug-resistant epilepsy
“The interdisciplinary team from SickKids’ Comprehensive Epilepsy Program led the first implantation of an RNS device in a patient living with drug-resistant epilepsy.”
KEYWORDS: epilepsy, medtech, pediatric health, The Hospital for Sick Children’s (SickKids)
Physical activity quality over quantity benefits people with disability
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“Putting in the hours at the gym or on the sports field is less of a factor in well-being than feeling a sense of belonging and mastering a skill.”
KEYWORDS: disability, physical activity, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
CAMH’s STOP Program receives $850,000 from Ontario Ministry of Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
“… for patients and a program that can bolster motivation to quit, as well as offer capacity-building opportunities for providers across Ontario to remain at the forefront of best treatment practices for vaping cessation.”
KEYWORDS: funding, mental health and addiction, respiratory health, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
ALS Society of Canada recognizes innovation and need for expedited funding in new Acceleration Grant Program
HRI Portal
“Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that can progress with startling swiftness. The ALS Society of Canada (ALS Canada) recognizes the need to move quickly in funding promising research and, with a new grant program …”
KEYWORDS: funding, innovative research, ALS Society of Canada
Preventing Cervical Cancer Starts Here
Roche Canada
“… from the disease. Some individuals may not be aware of the importance of attending regular cervical screenings. Busy lives may lead to postponed appointments for others.”
KEYWORDS: cancer, women’s health, Roche Canada