Daily media digest July 6, 2017

Scicasts (press release) (blog)
“Montreal, QC, Canada (Scicasts) — Scientists from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) may have cracked the ..”
TAGS: McGill University Centre (RI-MUHC), Genes, immune system


McGill University Health Centre
“Montreal – Scientists from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) may have cracked the code to understanding the …”
TAGS: T cells, blood, McGill University Centre (RI-MUHC), Research


“On Thursday, for the first time the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute hosted a joint …”
TAGS: Indigenous, healthcare, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute


“”I think it is a really important time in Canada for preterm birth research,” said Dr. Sarah McDonald, high-risk obstetrician at Hamilton Health Sciences …”
TAGS: Hamilton Health Sciences, premature birth, McMaster University, Research


“Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have been awarded $16.6 million by Global Affairs Canada to increase maternal and newborn .”
TAGS: University of Saskatchewan, maternal health, Research


IBD News Today
“… diagnosed in individuals between the ages of 15 and 30,” Mina Mawani, president and CEO of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, said in a press release.”
TAGS: Crohn’s and Colitis, AbbVie, IBC


EurekAlert (press release)
“”Stem cell therapies hold a lot of promise but we need rigorous clinical trials and regulatory processes to determine whether a proposed treatment is …”
TAGS: stem cell, medical tourism,


Canada NewsWire (press release)
“”I speak for the management team and everyone who works at UHN in … Rehabilitation Institute and the Michener Institute for Education at UHN.”
TAGS: UNH, University Health Network, Brian Porter


Urban Toronto
“Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is proposing a new addition to its complex. The new wing will be named the Hurvitz Brain Sciences Centre.”
TAGS: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Hurvitz Brain Science Centre


Business Wire (press release)
““I welcome the opportunity to Chair the ICBA,” commented Andrew Casey, President and CEO BIOTECanada. “BIOTECanada looks forward to helping …”
TAGS: BIOTECanada, Andrew Casey,


Canada NewsWire
“ProMIS™ Neurosciences’ Sponsored Research Agreement with University of British Columbia Receives Matching Grant from Canadian Institutes of Health …”
TAGS: ProMIS, neuroscience, Health Research, biotechology, neurodegenerative disease


Canada NewsWire
“Tom has also held positions in the Montreal Regional Public Health … Purdue Pharma (Canada) is a research-based pharmaceutical company with its …”
TAGS: Purdue Pharma (Canada), Dr. Tom Koutsavlis, Research and Development,


“Leading the research is Dr. Raj Atikukke, the founder of ITOS Oncology, who … His tests are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, which means …”
TAGS: Windsor, cancer treatment, Research, biomedical,


“The new research center, which will work closely with the University of … Data Protection Act as it expands to using its technology in the healthcare space.”
TAGS: google, research centre, deepMind, University of Alberta,


Drug Target Review
“The project arose from a strong multidisciplinary collaboration bringing together experts from across Canada who are passionate about public health and willing …”
TAGS: lung cancer, screening