Daily Media Digest March 15, 2022

75-year-old beats blood cancer a third time in landmark trial at The Ottawa Hospital – The …
The Globe and Mail
“Lymphoma is one of many forms of blood cancers that affect some 22,000 Canadians each year, according to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.”
TAGS: blood cancer, innovative research, cancer, Ottawa Hospital

Gradual exposure to triggers shows promise as a novel intervention for persistent post-concussion symptoms
“New research led by Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute researcher Dr. Noah Silverberg found great promise in a novel approach to help prevent long-term disability among people with persistent post-concussion symptoms.”
TAGS: traumatic brain injury, concussion, long-term disability, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute

Music as medicine – can music and sound be used to treat anxiety?
Cosmos Music
“Publishing their findings in PLOS ONE, researchers from Ryerson University, Canada, say that personally tailored music programs could effectively treat the symptoms of anxiety – an affliction that has been steadily growing in adolescent and young adult populations over recent decades.”
TAGS: mental health, anxiety, young adult health, adolescent health, Ryerson University

Lawson study finds high rate of mortality among those with COVID-19-caused acute renal …
Global News
“Scientists at London’s Lawson Health Research Institute have identified a higher rate of mortality among Ontarians who developed acute kidney …”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, mortality, kidney, Lawson Health Research Institute

Pandemic anniversary: COVID-19 lessons after year two
CTV News
“Two years after the World Health Organization first described COVID-19 as a global pandemic, leaders in Canada and many other parts of the world appear ready to move on, for better or worse, with the last of the Canadian public health measures set to lift over the coming weeks.”
TAGS: COVID-19, pandemic, public health, University Health Network, McMaster University

MicroRNA protects mice from acute kidney injury
The Ottawa Hospital
“New research led by Dr. Kevin Burns shows that intravenous delivery of a type of microRNA can protect mice from acute kidney injury, a serious and untreatable condition. The study, published in Kidney International, focuses on micro-RNA-486-5p, a tiny piece of RNA that some cells naturally produce to help with healing and repair”
TAGS: microRNA, acute kidney injury, The Ottawa Hospital

Global Study on Heart Valve Repair Surgery Will Improve Patient Outcomes Around the World
Ontario Hospital Association
“Researchers at Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University had a leading role in a new global study that will change the way surgeons repair leaky valves in the heart.”
TAGS: heart valve repair surgery, patient outcomes, innovative research, Lawson Health Research Institute, Western University