Daily Media Digest November 13, 2023

Blood transfusion research set to change the course of practice for heart attack treatment
Bruyère Research Institute
“While using a restrictive transfusion strategy has been widely adopted in most acute care settings, study findings indicate that patients suffering from heart attack may …”
KEYWORDS: cardiovascular health, blood transfusion, Bruyère Research Institute, Ottawa Hospital

Calgary PhD student partners with retirement community to test wearable fall-prevention technology for seniors
“… at the University of Calgary in biomedical engineering with a specialization in wearable technology, and he’s part of a team testing new technologies that could prevent older adults from falling.”
KEYWORDS: aging, medtech, University of Calgary

Research is key to transforming cancer outcomes
The Globe and Mail
“There are new ways of detecting cancer in the blood. Cancer cells can shed circulating tumour DNA that can be detected in the blood even before a cancer appears on an imaging scan …”
KEYWORDS: cancer, innovative research, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network

Blood thinner reduces strokes in patients with a type of atrial fibrillation
Hamilton Health Sciences
“The oral anticoagulant medication, which helps to prevent dangerous blood clots by thinning the blood, reduced the risk of stroke and blood clotting by 37 per cent …”
KEYWORDS: stroke, cardiovascular health, Hamilton Health Sciences, McMaster University

Unearthing Cures: Carleton Students Combat Antibiotic Resistance with Soil
Carleton University
“As the effectiveness of antibiotics diminish, it is becoming increasingly challenging to treat infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, and salmonellosis. This crisis …”
KEYWORDS: antibiotic resistance, Canadian research, Carleton University

Baycrest-led research team awarded Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging from CIHR
“A team of researchers from Baycrest, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) has been awarded the 2023 CIHR Institute of Aging Betty Havens …”
KEYWORDS: aging, award, Baycrest, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre