Daily Media Digest November 3, 2023

Seeking to understand how cancer spreads: New RI-MUHC research study identifies the role of neutrophil extracellular traps
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)
“Published recently in the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, a new study by researchers at the RI-MUHC may lead to better drugs to control the spread of cancer into the lymph nodes …”
KEYWORDS: cancer, Canadian research, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)

Blood test detects tumours early in families with cancer
Terry Fox Research Institute
“By analyzing these DNA fragments, researchers are developing methods to detect whether a tumour has developed in the body.”
KEYWORDS: cancer, Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Terry Fox Research Institute, University Health Network

New guidelines: If you’ve never had a heart attack, don’t take daily Aspirin until you talk to your doctor
University of Alberta
“Revamped recommendations call into question the routine daily dose for primary prevention …”
KEYWORDS: cardiovascular health, stroke, University of Alberta

Saskatchewan Includes Pancreatic in Occupational Cancer Coverage for Firefighters
Pancreatic Cancer Canada
“The Government of Saskatchewan has expanded occupational cancer coverage for firefighters through the addition of six cancers, including pancreatic.”
KEYWORDS: cancer, occupational hazard, Pancreatic Cancer Canada

Ontario to lower age for mammograms to 40 from 50 next year
The Globe and Mail
“Martin Yaffe, a senior scientist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre whose research focuses on early detection of breast cancer through imaging …”
KEYWORDS: breast cancer, mammogram, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care

COVID-19 pandemic and prison compounded risk of overdose deaths by up to 50 per cent, SFU study finds
Simon Fraser University
“People in Ontario who had recently been incarcerated were at far greater risk of opioid toxicity death during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study from a Simon Fraser University researcher.”
KEYWORDS: pandemic, substance use and addiction, Simon Fraser University, McMaster University