The Canadian Cancer Society, CQDM, the Cole Foundation and Oncopole grant close to $8.5 million to four researchers in Quebec to support pediatric cancer research
“CNW/ – The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), CQDM, the Cole Foundation and … the Fondation Charles-Bruneau, IRICoR, IRIC and Pfizer Canada.”
TAGS: pediatric cancer research, Canadian Cancer Society, Université de Montréal, Pfizer Canada
Teens turn to cannabis to ease their mental pain. But is there a better way?
National Observer
“Matthew Prebeg, 23, is a youth engagement specialist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health… which did not include treating symptoms of depression or anxiety.”
TAGS: mental health, cannabis, pain management, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Carbohydrate research boost through $6.5 million investment from GlycoNet and partners
The Sitch
“Glycomics is the study of carbohydrates or sugars (called glycans) in all living organisms. According to GlycoNet, one of the funded initiatives is …”
TAGS: carbohydrate research, glycomics, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, GlycoNet
AHS wants to remind parents about increasing respiratory illnesses in winter months
“Alberta Health Services wants to remind parents about the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and other respirat…”
TAGS: respiratory illness, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Alberta Health Services
Canada provides $6.4 million to support Inuit health research: Health minister
Global News
“Canada’s Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos announced on Wednesday that the federal government, through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, …”
TAGS: Inuit research network, Health Minister, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Alert: Parasitic invasion in your intestines
The McGill Tribune
“… of Microbiology and Immunology, led the study along with his lab at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC).”
TAGS: parasitic worms, immunology, intestinal resilience, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre