Researchers identify the main causes of neurotrauma burden in Indigenous populations of Canada
University Health Network
“Researchers at the Krembil Brain Institute have identified key factors that contribute to high rates of brain and spinal cord injury in Indigenous populations of Canada, as well as strategies to address this health care issue around the world.”
TAGS: Indigenous healthcare, spinal cord injuries, neurotrauma, University Health Network
Phototherapy deemed low risk for atopic eczema patients who find the treatments simple and effective
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“Benefits of exposing skin to ultraviolet light for people with atopic eczema far outweighs the risk, according to a study that will leave clinicians to rest easy, knowing that prescribed phototherapy does more good than harm.”
TAGS: atopic eczema, melanoma, phototherapy, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and Pfizer Canada Announce 2022 Women in IBD Award Recipients
“Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and Pfizer Canada are pleased to announce the two recipients of the 2022 Women in Inflammatory Bowel Disease …”
TAGS: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada, Pfizer Canada
JDRF Moves the Type 1 Diabetes Community #ForwardAs1 in Recognition of National Diabetes Awareness Month
PR Newswire
“JDRF, the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization, recognizes this year’s National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) by celebrating the progress made and the work to come with its new “FORWARD” campaign.”
TAGS: type 1 diabetes, National Diabetes Awareness Month, Canadian research, JDRF
Canada’s first and largest-scale vision-loss study is underway at St. Joe’s thanks to $750,000 grant…
“Research into age-related macular degeneration to help curb vision loss in older adults in Canada … With a $750,000 boost in funding from the Juravinski Research Institute (JRI)…”
TAGS: macular degeneration, vision-loss, McMaster University
Upcoming How do we make Canada’s public health systems resilient to crises? | November 15 AstraZeneca Canada “Join a discussion with health system leaders on making Canada’s publicly funded healthcare system more resilient and sustainable to crises.” |