Daily Media Digest October 11, 2023

Arthritis Society Canada announces 12 training awards to advance understanding of arthritis
Arthritis Society Canada
“Teghizadeh, under the supervision of Dr. Matthew Grol and Dr. Frank Beier, is developing a gene therapy that enables joint cells to generate proteins targeting the drivers of inflammation in osteoarthritis.”
KEYWORDS: award, funding, Arthritis Society Canada, University of Calgary, Western University, Université de Montréal

New medicines promising for fighting RSV in infants, say B.C. researchers
Victoria News
“While most RSV infections go away on their own, Dr. Nirma Vadlamudi, the first co-author of the study and a vaccine researcher at the BC Children’s Hospital, said the prevalence of cases among infants can be cause for concern.”
KEYWORDS: RSV, pediatric health, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Provincial Health Services Authority

Coalition for Canadian Research established to call for an urgent federal investment in Canada’s research system
HRI Portal
“After two successive years without any new funding and stagnant levels of support for researchers, the Coalition for Canadian Research has been formed by organizations representing the broad spectrum of Canada’s research community …”
KEYWORDS: Canadian research, brain drain, Coalition for Canadian Research

New funds aid in AI methods to advance autism research
York University
“Kar, a Canada Research Chair in Visual Neuroscience … new project funded by Brain Canada will explore these intersections in the context of autism.”
KEYWORDS: autism, artificial intelligence, brain health, York University, Brain Canada

Ask an expert: What lifestyle habits can help protect my brain health?
Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute
“A recent report from the Alzheimer Society of Canada predicts that nearly one million people will be living with dementia by the end of 2030, which could potentially lead to …”
KEYWORDS: dementia, aging, brain health, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute