Daily Media Digest September 1, 2023

Disparities in Cardiovascular Care Are Putting Older Women at Risk
Technology Networks
“… according to a new study from Women’s College Hospital, the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC) at University Health Network (UHN) and ICES.”
KEYWORDS: cardiovascular health, women’s health, Women’s College Hospital, University Health Network (UHN), ICES

How Bacteria Could Help Us Fight Off Viruses
“This pandemic has taught many of us that vaccines don’t completely prevent infection. But as research intensifies, that may be set to change …”
KEYWORDS: vaccines, COVID-19, pandemic preparedness, Western University

KBHN and CanChild launches the F-Words Foundations Course online
Kids Brain Health Network
“… offering free global access to a program that shifts perspectives on child development by emphasizing the strengths and holistic well-being of children through six fundamental concepts.”
KEYWORDS: pediatric health, disability, Kids Brain Health Network, CanChild

CAMH once again awarded Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
“These outstanding results demonstrate the spirit, dedication and passion our staff have for supporting patients, each other and advancing the mental health movement …”
KEYWORDS: award, mental health, Accreditation Canada, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Study suggests patients treated by female surgeons less likely to suffer post-op complications
University of Toronto
“The study, which also involved researchers affiliated with Sinai Health and University Health Network, built on earlier findings that showed …”
KEYWORDS: surgery, pain management, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University Health Network