Daily Media Digest September 11, 2023

WCH Scientists Develop Tool Predicting Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis – A Global First
Women’s College Hospital (WCH)
“This calls for a focus on early detection and prevention, which is why a team at Women’s College Hospital (WCH) developed PRESTO – the first tool of its kind to calculate the risk of psoriatic arthritis.”
KEYWORDS: arthritis, medtech, Women’s College Hospital (WCH)

A national framework for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is long overdue
The Hill Times
“Research has shown the societal cost of FASD in Canada tops $10.5-billion annually. These costs are incurred through criminal justice, health care, educational services, social services, and lost productivity.”
KEYWORDS: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, health care, CanFASD Research Network

Suicide ideation is a problem in Canada. Here’s why experts think it’s more prevalent
CTV News
“In the last year, about one in seven Canadians have thought about suicide, a poll from Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) shows.”
KEYWORDS: mental health, Canadian research, Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC)

Dr. Thomas Durcan: 3D brain models will give new insights into ALS
ALS Canada
“Could this new 3D cell culture model help researchers better predict disease progression in ALS?”
KEYWORDS: brain health, funding, ALS Canada, Brain Canada, The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital)

Funding provided for Windsor-area health research efforts
Windsor Star
“Fortunately, the WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery Grants empower emerging researchers to explore new avenues of knowledge and provide a source of recognition that boosts their confidence to pursue innovative ideas.”
KEYWORDS: early career researchers, funding, University of Windsor, WE-SPARK Health Institute